Do Seventh-day Adventists Celebrate Easter? Know Everything

Do Seventh-day Adventists Celebrate Easter

Adventists, members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, have a distinct approach to Easter compared to many other Christian denominations. While they firmly believe in the centrality of Jesus’ resurrection – a cornerstone of Christian faith – their celebrations often differ.

This variation stems from their core belief in observing the Sabbath on Saturday, contrasting with the traditional Easter Sunday worship. This theological foundation shapes their perspective on holidays and influences how they acknowledge Easter. This statement cements the fact that Seventh-day Adventists celebrate easter like everyone else.

Exploring this further, it’s crucial to understand that some Adventist congregations might hold special services or gatherings around Easter weekend. However, Easter itself doesn’t hold the same significance as it does in other Christian traditions.Delving deeper, this blog post will explore the theological underpinnings that influence the Adventist perspective on Easter. We’ll also examine how they approach this holiday in comparison to how other Christian denominations traditionally celebrate.

Why Adventists celebrate Easter

Significance of Easter for Adventists

Easter is one of the most significant celebrations in the Adventist faith, as it commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is the cornerstone of Christian belief. For Adventists, the resurrection of Jesus is a central tenet, as it symbolizes the triumph of life over death and the fulfillment of God’s plan for the redemption of humanity.

Biblical Foundation

The biblical accounts of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection are found in the four Gospels of the New Testament. These narratives describe the events leading up to Jesus’ death on the cross, his burial in a tomb, and his miraculous resurrection three days later. The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, emphasizes the importance of the resurrection, stating, “If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith” (1 Corinthians 15:14, NIV).

Symbolism of the Resurrection

For Adventists, the resurrection of Jesus is a powerful symbol of hope and salvation. It represents the ultimate victory over sin and death, and the promise of eternal life for those who believe in Jesus. The resurrection also serves as a validation of Jesus’ divine nature and his claim to be the Son of God.

Adventist Beliefs and Practices

In addition to celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, Adventists observe several other practices and beliefs related to Easter:

Foot Washing Ceremony: Many Adventist churches conduct a foot-washing ceremony, known as the “Ordinance of Humility,” on the Thursday or Friday preceding Easter Sunday. This practice is based on the example set by Jesus when he washed his disciples’ feet at the Last Supper.

Communion Service: On the evening of the same day as the foot-washing ceremony, Adventists hold a Communion service, also known as the Lord’s Supper, to commemorate the final meal that Jesus shared with his disciples before his crucifixion.

Baptisms: Easter Sunday is often a popular time for Adventists to participate in baptism ceremonies, as the symbolism of new life and rebirth aligns with the resurrection of Jesus.

Evangelistic Efforts: Many Adventist churches and organizations use the Easter season as an opportunity to share their faith and engage in evangelistic outreach efforts, such as Bible studies, seminars, and community events.

Why Some Adventists Believe Easter Shouldn’t Be Celebrated?

Some argue against the celebration of Easter, citing its origins in paganism and concerns about materialism. The term “Easter” itself is derived from Eostre, a pagan goddess, and various mythologies feature similar themes of fertility goddesses with symbols like eggs and rabbits associated with Easter.

Despite these origins, many Adventists view Easter differently, seeing it as an opportunity to positively engage with others while staying true to their beliefs. They emphasize the importance of discernment in utilizing cultural practices without compromising core values.

Adventists generally reject the notion that something is inherently evil solely due to its pagan roots. They liken this to the concept of money in the Bible, where it’s the love of money, not money itself, that is deemed problematic.

While acknowledging Easter’s pagan symbolism, Adventists note that the meanings attached to these symbols have evolved over time. They draw parallels to other culturally embedded references, like the names of planets and days of the week, originally named after pagan deities but now divorced from their original context.

In Adventist belief, there’s no prescribed doctrine on Easter observance, leaving it to individual discretion. Whether one chooses to celebrate Easter or not is viewed as a personal decision that doesn’t affect their standing within the Adventist community.


For Adventists, Easter is a time to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is the cornerstone of their faith. Through various practices and observances, Adventists commemorate the events surrounding Jesus’ death and resurrection, while also emphasizing the significance of these events in their belief system and personal spiritual journeys.