Best Happy Easter Quotes 2024 for family and friends
You made a church of Jesus in your heart, He shall be sitting there for you. Zestful Easter Sunday to everyone!
Jesus could pardon a lie but not unfaithfulness. Happy Easter Sunday!
We are always children of Him but it doesn’t mean always folly. Best Easter Sunday to everyone!
The one who wants happiness, health and wealth for everyone on this earth. He can none other than God himself. He is Jesus Christ. Wonderful happy Easter Sunday!
Second chance rarely comes. But it has come for you on Easter Sunday. Renew your life. Pay respect to Jesus. Happiest Easter Sunday to everyone!
Also see: Easter Day Prayer & Poem
The one who has faith in himself and Lord Jesus Chris, he never needs to be afraid of anything. Wonderful Easter Sunday!
You should always wait for Spring to come. Because it always comes. Happy Easter Sunday!
I love you Jesus. I know you will always save me and protect me. Magical Easter Sunday to everyone!
None’s hand you need when you want to walk great if you have the hand of Christ.
Life and Death are nothing when you have faith in Christ.
No evil soul could touch you ever when you pray every day to Jesus Christ.
Speak truth to God if not to others. You could not hide anything from him. Christ is the symbol of truth.
You want to describe Christ in one word? Then the word is Love.
Greats are not those who love their friends while those who love their enemies also. Happy Easter Day 2024 to my friend!
Also see: Funny Easter Day Memes
Christ walked towards the path of salvation for others. His glory always remains.
One can cut wood but can’t its roots and roots are Christ. Glorious Easter day to your family!
To become unbreakable, you need will like Jesus Christ, unbreakable. Great Easter day 2024 to you my friends!
Every time you take the name of Christ, you rise every time. Happy Easter Day to all my friends!
Also see: Good Friday Quotes From Bible
These are some of the best Happy Easter quotes 2024 for family and Funny Easter 2024 quotes friends on the great event Easter day which is a few days away from the celebration.
Top Inspirational Easter Quotes 2024
We have for you top inspirational Easter quotes, Easter 2024 quotes from bible that aspire you to be what you are and force you to know your inner nature that you are limitless, full of potential and can do everything.
The smile on your face and each one of us is because of Jesus Christ. Thank Him. Blessed Easter Sunday!
Beyond Him is nothing. Only He is; here, there and everywhere. Happiest Easter Sunday!
Your mind is everything. Never think of dying. Always think of rising. What you think what you become. Happy Easter Day 2024!
Life is not easy to live, nor was Jesus Christ. Happy Easter Day 2024!
Live every moment of your life happily. Jesus is with you.
When you fall down, see the ever rising flames of fire.
When you truly want something with your entire heart, it can truly come out.
Life after death not possible. It possible when you say the name of Christ. Happy Easter Day!
Always have the desire to win. When you have it, you always win.
Pain is mere a word before Christ. One of the best quotes on Easter Sunday!
The more problems and difficulties you face in your life, the more you gonna shine.
Roses come with prickles. Success comes with failures.
When you devotionally in love with Jesus, you need nothing and no one in this world. Great happy Easter Sunday!
Thy love is mine. Mine love is thine. Hail holiest Jesus. Great Easter Sunday to everyone!
When you rise again from dead, the whole world goes into ecstasy. Blissful Easter Sunday to everyone!
Love is life. Jesus has taught us this benign. Spread love, spread Jesus vibes wide. Holiest Easter Sunday!
When you chant and say Jesus name, you just can instantly fly and rise again from anywhere. Happy Easter Sunday!
When you believe in magic, it happens. Just believe and have faith. Wonderful happy Easter Sunday!
Nothing and everything starts from Him and ends into Him. Blessed Easter Sunday to everyone!
Praying to Jesus is peace. Singing for Him is blessing. Abandoning Him is death. Happy Easter Sunday!
Selfless love is the only key to know Jesus Christ. Happy Easter Sunday!
Losing yourself in love of Jesus is finding yourself for eternity. Happy Easter Sunday to everybody!
Easter Day brings hope, a new sunrise for life.
Good and bad are two ways of life. Which you feed to, you become.
Want to see God? Don’t look outside, just see into yourself, you find Him there sitting on your heart.
Overthinking kills. Just do and get- failure or success.
Whatever for you decided by God, it always comes.
There is not alternative for hard work and discipline. You achieve everything with it.
You are drowning in a river and you don’t know how to swim, just take the name of Jesus and you will float. Happy Easter Day!
Even the very breath you take belongs to Him. Nothing is of yours.
You are searching for a best friend? Make Jesus Christ your best friend. He never will leave you.
Be a shepherd of His guide and show your flock the right path. Happy Easter day!
With Jesus name, everything is easy and possible. Great Easter Sunday to all people!
When one dies, he rises again. But in three days, only Jesus can rise again. Happy Easter Sunday!
The petals of roses of His feet are pious. If you touch, pious is your bliss. Holy Easter Sunday!
Truth can transcend everything. Truth is Jesus Christ. Piously happy Easter Sunday!
These are some of the top Easter Day inspiring quotes, Happy Easter 2024 Quotes that you can send to whomever you want to send. These Easter quotes inspire you to become what you want to be and get ahead in life wherever you want to get.