Good Friday Wishes and Messages: Jesus Christ is one of the most revolutionary God. My Christian friends always say this. I have some Christina friends who always call me for eating after observing the fast. It is a tragedy; it seems to me that always great man or woman has to sacrifice for bringing good in society for people. Jesus did the same. In just a little short line, we want to tell you that Good Friday is celebrated in the commemoration of Jesus’ crucifixion. We tell all details and facts, whys and whens below in the post later.
This post is on Happy Good Friday wishes and Good Friday messages 2024 that you can say to your friends, colleagues, parents on this great and big event that is celebrated around the world by Christian community and those who practice and believe in Christianity. Hence on Good Friday, we bring for you Good Friday messages, good Friday blessings and religious good Friday wishes.
Good Friday Wishes 2024
May the bone-crunching sacrifices of Jesus Christ inspire you so much that your whole life becomes an act of inspiration. Happy Good Friday and have a lovely Easter celebration!
Lord can perform any miracle he wants yet he chose crucifixion to tell the whole world that the biggest victories in life come after the most heart-breaking sacrifices. Let’s pray together for the betterment of humanity. May you have a joyous good Friday!

Good Friday is one of those rare festivals which reminds us all the time that God loves all its children equally and compassionately. May you have a beautiful good Friday celebration with your family!
Also see: Good Friday Prayer
May the sacred festival of Good Friday induce so much holiness and purity in your body and soul that no vicious elements can pollute them. Have faith in Jesus and he will take care of you. Happy Good Friday!

The more firm your faith in God is, the more peace and joy you will experience in life because God always makes sure to shower unconditional love and grace on his children. Happy Good Friday to all my loved ones!
May the ultimate creator always keeps you under his shadow and protect you from diabolical things. Good Friday is the perfect occasion to put all the problems in your life to the feet of the almighty and he will take care of everything. Happy Good Friday!

God cried, bled, and hung on the cross to prove to the whole of humanity that the power of love is the greatest of all. As long as you have love and compassion for people in your heart, God is with you all the time. Pray for the well-being and prosperity of your loved ones on Good Friday!
Also see: Good Friday Memes
Sending all the love of the world and extending my warmest wishes to you and your family on the sacred festival of Good Friday. May you always share the love-kindness relationship with almighty. Good Friday and may the Lord always protect you.

On the holiest occasion of Good Friday, I wish nothing but pray God to keep pouring down bliss and opulence in your life forever. May your heart and conscience always be pure. Have a mirthful good Friday celebration!
Jesus Christ scarified his life for us. It means he loves so much and for us he has died without caring about his life. This is the ultimate love. May God always pour his love on you and your family! Wishing you blessed Good Friday!

If Lord can make such a profound sacrifice to free humanity from the shackles of greed and fear, we can at least kill our inner demons and be thankful to the Lord for creating such a beautiful existence. Happy Good Friday to all my near and dear ones!
Also see: Good Friday Bible Verses
God’s love is only true love and he is only the truth. May Jesus Christ bless you with true love and May you never leave the path of truth! Wishing happy Good Friday to you!

People say in love they can die for you. But Christ has done this. Always respect and honor to him. May he always show light in your path! May he give you what you desire! Wishing lovely Good Friday to you and your family!
Jesus Christ is the son of God. And the God is always with those who obey the commands of Christ. May you never fail yourself! May you have ultimate strength! Happy and joyous Good Friday to you!

Good Friday and Easter are not just feast party or holidays to enjoy. While these dates have significance and importance in our life. They tell us about the message of love and sacrifice. Because in true love, God only can be seen. May what you hold true to your heart; come to your life always! Happy Good Friday dear!
Also see: Good Friday 2024 Quotes
Jesus Christ has always loved anyone without discrimination. He is the pious figure to reckon with. May such fairness you have when you treat others! May you get all the love you want! Wishing pious Good Friday to you and your family!

Life is long and in this life so many phases would come of happiness and sadness. May Christ always be with you in whatever phase of life you go! Wishing zestful Good Friday to you dear!
Even when getting crucified Jesus asked for forgiveness for his crucifiers. That how great he is and always will be. May you always be good disciple of Christ and May he always bless you with his love! Happy goodness of Good Friday dear!

Jesus Christ believes in himself and his father, the Holy Father. That’s why he was not afraid of crucification because he knew the Holy Father would save him and he resurrected. May you always believe in Jesus Christ! May he erase all worries of your life! Wishing happy blessed Good Friday!
Also see: Good Friday Images 2024
May you always be in Christ’s eyes and ears! May none be unfair to you wherever you go! Wishing happiest Good Friday to happiest people in my life!

Also see: Holy Week 2024 Quotes
Happy Good Friday Messages
Good Friday is coming on 15th of April and it is a holy and great event for Christians and everyone who practice it. So how can you remain without Happy Good Friday messages and good friday blessings on this day that you want to send to one other. We have soulful messages on Good Friday that are so mesmerizing that they totally touch your heart when you say them. Good Friday is a holy event in the memory of Jesus Christ. Hence on this day for you Good Friday wishes, Happy Good Friday 2024 messages and blessings for you.
May he have his hand always over you and your family! May he give you light and show you the path when you dwindle! Wishing you holiest Good Friday!
May the strength and might lord Jesus pour for you and your family! Wishing you happiest Good Friday!
May the Jesus Lord be kind to us! May he forgive us for all our sins and show us the right path! Wishing lovely Good Friday!
May our family never ever suffer! May we always be together and ever and forever! Wising soulful Good Friday!
May longevity and prosperity come to your family and you! May you all be together and united! Have happy Good Friday!
May Lord Jesus fill our heart with hope and abundance of everything! May no lessness come to you and May you flourish always! Wishing you lovely Good Friday!
May his light always shine in our life! May no dark and evil touch our life! Jesus is always with us. May he bring us all that always be suffice! Have blessed Good Friday!
May you earn much and more! May all abundance fill your home! Wishing happy Good Friday!
May your dear and loved ones never get wronged! May Jesus always protect them and think them in his thoughts! Have lovely Good Friday!
May you never cry and weep for anything! May Jesus hold your tears and give you everything! Wishing blissful Good Friday!
May nothing hold you back! May your all worries and tensions go away! Wishing you brightest Good Friday!
May in your life always love prevail! May God Jesus give you no tears and you hail great! Have blessed day Good Friday!
Show us the light, guide to the right, rise us up when we fall down, you are our Jesus, Oh! Our merciful shine. Beneath you, we could only shine! Happy Good Friday 2024
I did not die. I wasn’t nailed to the cross. I just got pinned to your hearts…..
He shed his own blood for you, He died for your sins. Couldn’t you be kind enough like be him for some moments on the day of his memory.
HEAVEN is not a place where we can find anything we want as well as not a place where we live as GOD’S DISCIPLE BUT A PLACE where we will realise the real meaning of life That we all had come across on EARTH
Be kind, be pure, be helpful, forgive all; that’s all Jesus wants from you. That is his message.
Also see: Easter Funny Memes
Sometimes love makes you so powerful, That even death turns its back on you….. Happy Good Friday!
To free yourself from all sins; let go of your ego and jealously and become selfless. It is His path for salvation. Happy Good Friday!
Your friend can say… I’ll happily sacrifice my Life If it is for you Your lover can say… I can’t live without you But… They can only say Those are just wordly love There is one true love ? He didn’t say us about his love But… He gave his own life to save us from our sins And proved us his true love!!! Yeah…It’s the true and never ending love of my almighty
You don’t know in what person Jesus could come to you. So respect and love every person you meet.
Never be disheartened by the Good Fridays of yesterday, be patient for the Easter of tomorrow..
Also see: Easter Prayer & Poems
This life is for your salvation. Follow Jesus’ path and you will be transcended. Blessed Good Friday, your this Friday and every Friday!
Carry the cross, Of thy deviances, Unto the riverbed, Of his piety. Beg for deliverance, Hope for mercy, As he begins, His final journey. For the dead doth rise, Post midnight. To weigh each sin, And banish thy tribe.
Jesus is for your help, get His and it will be a bliss. Don’t ignore His message otherwise you will be in trenches.
My friend asked- WHAT IS GOOD ABOUT GOOD FRIDAY?I replied – Jesus died and sacrificed himself for us. A good deed it is so it is termed as GOOD FRIDAY. HAVE A BLESSED GOOD FRIDAY!
Feed a hungry, give shelter to homeless, kind to ignorant and angry, and wise to foolish; His blessings on you. Happy Good Friday 2024
Don’t weep when He is your keeper. Don’t worry when He is your helper. Happy Good Friday!
He carried the burden of my sins , sacrificed himself for the sake of my repentance.
The very much breathe you are taking, given by Him. May He bless you all time!
His extravagant love on me called him to hang on the cross And I paid the price; my sins
Why worry all time when He is your carrier? Why hurry when He offers Hs Lorry.
In the world full of perfection seekers The one who knows all my imperfections Yet preferred to love me..~linda balan
Just Pray to Him and You will be free from everything. Love to Lord Jesus, Love to all!
I chose the flowers, Christ got the thorns. By wounding you, O Lord I got my everything.
When you care for others, He takes care of you. When you feed others, He feeds you. When you help helpless, He treasures you. Holiest Good Friday!
Talk about Love, Talk about sacrifice Talk about how people spoke Lies, Beaten, betrayed, sold and humiliated For his Own Father in Heaven To redeem us from our sins, The world didn’t know its immense loss, when Jesus,Died On the CROSS…
He is the only one. He was the only one. He will be the only one. He is the Lord Jesus.
May this day remind us to stand for truth, wisdom, mercy, peace, love and the strength to fight for righteousness. May the Grace of Lord surround and be with you on this auspicious day. HAVE A BLESSED GOOD FRIDAY Everyone..?~Devika Tandon?
He is thy Lord, my lord, everyone’s lord. He is Jesus the Great!
GOOD FRIDAY That single cross; was not reciprocation of his sins, Every drop of pure blood, bled. Every spit, he received on his face. The mocking, harrassement, betrayal, he encountered. Was for the sins, of mankind born till date… Rewind, Rethink, Repent!! ~Bella
In wild when I was afraid I heard a voice. In dark when I couldn’t see, I heard a voice. When I was afraid of heights, I heard a voice. He was Lord Jesus. He is every time with me. Godious Good Friday to you and all!
Every Good Friday We contemplate on His last words on cross. He bleeds, He cries, He dies. And on Sunday greet Happy Easter. As He is risen. Has the lord risen, While we keep sleeping in sin?
Become the beggars of His love and He fulfils you in every way.
Strapped around dead cross woods, Drenching in his own blood, Praying for forgiveness. I’ll rather remember him feasting with his followers and cracking a joke, “Just wait for three days and I’ll show you I can fly.”
What this whole world is, because of Him. What you are and me, because of Him. Every grain and every piece is because of Him. Be His servants and He grace you.
Dedicated to Lord Jesus; Don’t pray me Don’t love me Don’t hug me Don’t obey me Just Believe me I don’t need money I don’t need candle I need your pain I need only two drops tear of love in the eyes.
If you want to get Him, if you want to be near Him, Just spread love. Happy Good Friday! Love to all human beings!
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
You just take His name and You will be uplifted. Bestest Good Friday 2024 to all world families and friends!
Every Friday can be more goodIf we give one chance to become Good…..Happy Good Friday!!!
He is the only one that resurrect. Bow down to you.
If they have persecuted me… They will also persecute you ! -John 15:20
Lord gave his life for us, Now its our turn to follow his ideals and work for humanity in return…… #goodfriday!!
Rebirth of Jesus Christ shows that after every downfall there is always a sunrise. Happy Good Friday.
May his Blood purify our Body, May his Sacrifice strengthen our Soul, May his Love grace our Hear, May his Light lead our Path…
What we have written for you, are some of the best Good Friday messages and good friday blessings that you can nowhere find on the internet. We have all original and best. These are all His blessings that we have written for you. You express them as you want to. On the Good Friday, pray together and take His name and do good services to others. Spread positivity, help one another, not only on this event while every time. Jesus Christ’s message is to help all humanity and all humankind. Now in the latter section below, we are going to tell you all about history, facts, tidbits and interesting stuff about Good Friday. Till now always spread love and never forget to share and say our originally written Good Friday wishes and messages on the event. Love you all and everyone. Blessed you all be and always!
Good Friday Greetings & Blessings
As a diamond shines intensely even in the outrageous gloominess, may the love for Jesus in your heart emanate everywhere even where there is absolutely greed and non-religiousness. May you and your family have a great Good Friday celebration!
On Good Friday, let us remember the true purpose of life and the teachings of Jesus Christ; it is to spread love and peace everywhere without any selfishness. May the holy festival of Good Friday showers heaps of blessings in your life.
Having a balanced conscience and a loving heart are two of the biggest blessings of God on you. You are lucky to have both of them. Happy Good Friday!

May Jesus always be kind to you and your family. May you perform good deeds all the time and be the most loving children of God. Happy Good Friday to you and your family!
I thank Jesus all the time for protecting me from the diabolical elements and always keeping me on the path of righteousness. May you and your family have a serene good Friday celebration!
May God always be your strength! Wishing you and your family happiest Good Friday of the year! Be kind and spread love always.
May you never get thirsty in your life! May you never get hungry in your life! May God bestow you with everything! Wishing happy blessed Good Friday!
May your wishes come true! May God always caress you! May he never leave you and May you never too. Wishing happy holy Good Friday to you and your family!
May you never get discouraged in life! May you never feel yourself weak! May God fill your life with everything! Wishing blissful Good Friday dear! Just eat, pray and love.
May stars in nights always shine and twinkle for you! May days not be cold for you! Wishing Good Friday with full of spirituality to you!
Also see: Happy Orthodox Easter Wishes
Good Friday Wishes 2024 for Family
To sacrifice oneself for others is only the true love that one can does to others selflessly as Jesus does to us. It takes great courage to do so and a soul who is so benevolent can only do this. Sacrificing is not easy to do, and for others, not so possible in this world, and today’s society where everyone is working selfishly. We all know that the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at calvary is commemorated as Good Friday and observed as Christian holiday. It is a fasting day and we have for you best and original Good Friday wishes that you can send to anyone whether message, say on phone or just write in a card. We know how important the event is Good Friday, that’s why we have for you benevolent Good Friday 2024 wishes, good friday blessings and good Friday messages.
Lord showers on you all the blessings that you want and may bring peace to you and your family.
Light he gives you, right path He shows you. You never go in dark, if dwindle, He hold you. Happy Good Friday my friend, to you and your family!
Love you He always, whether you do to Him or not. He is always with you, whether you with Him or not. He is the God Jesus, Love of all and Love to all.
When you feel hard and difficult in life path, pray to Him. He show you the way and His mercy always be upon you. Because He loves you.
Have faith in Him, Have belief in Him. He is the source of power and love. He always loves you. Happy Good Friday wish to you friend!
Also see: Inspirational Good Friday Quotes
You go under His shadow, you are purified. You confess to Him. You are purified. He always takes care of you.
God Jesus always walks with you. He always with you. No one could see Him but He is near you.
He has sacrificed His life for you and everything. Because of His immense love for you. Pray to Him and You be good all.
He loves. He cares. He is for you every time and everywhere. Such a great power He is, that He protects you all. Happy Good Friday to you all!
Everyone pray to Lord Jesus, that He always shows us the right path and guide us every time. Bow down to Him, the God of all Gods!
Just seeing the image of Him, you get sanctified. His kindness and blessings be upon you.
Have you seen the ever illuminating light? He is Jesus.
May Jesus pour all the blessing on this auspicious day of Good Friday to all of us!
The great Jesus Christ has suffered for us for his all life. He led us to salvation and to the right path. May we return to him all that he has given to us! Have a blessed Good Friday!
The God has sent his only child to us to save us from all the pain and sufferings. The great lord always takes care of us. Have soulful Good Friday with your family and friends!
Wishing awesome Good Friday to everyone! May God fulfill all your desire on the day of Good Friday! May you begin your day blessed!
Also see: Easter Quotes 2024
The faith and belief you have in Jesus Christ May bring you peace and happiness and remove your all sorrows. Wishing you Good Friday to you and your family!
May your heart never tremble! May Jesus fill with all the happiness you want and what good you think come true. Happy Good Friday to you and your family!
Wishing you blessed Good Friday. May Jesus have his blessings always on you! May he always protect you!
We all people are dear to Jesus Lord and He is dear to us all. May love on the both sides grow and May we feel ecstasy of blessings as Jesus feels! Wishing you Good Friday for your family and you!
Spikes he took for us, got hung for us, got suffered for us; the great lord Jesus Christ bleeds for us. May we follow his commands and his chosen path! Have holy Good Friday loved ones.
May the Lord Jesus instill hope and happiness in your heart! May he give you courage to endure all! May he be with you all the time! Wishing happy Good Friday my friend!
May your life get fulfilled with eternal love of Jesus Christ! May you take your all worries! Wishing you happy Good Friday!
May in your heart Jesus always live! May you pray and always believe in him! May he give you blessings abundance on the holy day of Good Friday!
May he hear your prayer and give you what you have asked! May he come in your dreams give you power and all the love you want! Wishing holy Good Friday!
He is our savior. He is our boat that takes to our final destination. Be in His guide. Happy Good Friday 2024 to you my friend.
Also see: Easter Bible Verses & Easter Scripture
Pray with your soul, pray with your heart. He will listen you.
He is the Messiah of hope, positivity, goodness, faith and belief. He was there, that’s why we are living.
Cure He is of all, Healer He is of all. When in doubt, pray to Jesus Lord,He hold your finger and show you the path. He is your father, you are his child, And a father never leaves his child!
When you are in His shelter, never worry about life and death. He is all. Just remain by his side. Happy Good Friday my love!
No devil could touch you, when you are in touch with Lord. He is your unbreakable sword that always save you. Happy Good Friday my friend and to your family!
May He is your sailor, May He is your savior, May He is your all;May He is your side, When He is your side, You’re always right side.
They say Lord works in mysterious ways ; And so I fell in love with mystery since then !
Also see: Best Easter Wishes & Greetings
It is always said that whenever we are in difficult times, God is taking our test. Although it is hard to admit but perhaps it is that he is taking our test because he wants to give us something extra and more good. That’s why he wants to know whether we are worthy or not. In reality, we haven’t seen, not with eyes, that how much pain Jesus went through. Though we know it is immeasurable. When I was seeing the movie Passion of Christ directed by Mel Gibson, I can sense that real pain. How humanity is, that it is being spoiled and ruined by us and to clean it God sends his sons that give their life for us. But we again and again still spoiling it that we must not do it. In some few days it is Good Friday, and we must pray together to Lord to forgive us for the sins and mistakes we have done. And we must not do them again. Good Friday is a great event for Christian community and for those who practice it. Send Good Friday wishes and blessings on this day to your friends and family to ignite, spark and kindle the love, kindness, piety, beauty, forgiveness and humanity in us that we understand everyone equal and respect each and every one.
Good Friday Wishes for Friends
Dear friend, may you continue to perform good deeds and your name will always be at the top of god’s favorite child. I wish you have a serene and memorable Good Friday celebration. May the almighty always protect you from pernicious elements.!
Apart from being the creator, Lord is also a man’s best friend. On the blissful occasion of Good Friday, may the Lord fill your mind and the heart with the most religious things in the world, and may you keep serving humanity. Happy Good Friday!

On Good Friday, I kneel down in front of the Lord and pray for the happiness, prosperity, and success of my dearest friend. May success touch your feet and may you always be invincible. Have a soulful good Friday celebration!
If you think your problems in life are monumental and insolvable, just think about the sacrifices Jesus made, the blood he shed, to free humanity. You will find your problems irrelevant. I wish you all a very joyous Good Friday!
I hope the holy week of Easter and the religious Good Friday festival shower all the mercy and divinity of God in your life. Happy Good Friday and God Bless you!
May our friendship never get broken! May all the goodness of Good Friday be filled in you! Wishing happy Good Friday dear friend!
May you always get so much blessings of Good Friday! May your family always be happy and comfortable! Wishing blessing of Good Friday to you and your family!
May your life always be glorified! May you never face darkness in your life! May Christ torch your path with his glitter and shine! Happy blessed Good Friday my friend!
Wishing all the wealth of Good Friday to my lovely friend! May you always sit on the mountain of success! May your family never face dearth of anything!
All the love to you my close friend! I always pray for you in mornings and nights. May you always have the wealth of anything what you want! Wishing joyful Good Friday to you!
Also see: Religious Easter Messages
Good Friday Messages for Colleagues
You are my colleague and being a colleague you are always helping and encouraging to me. Wishing happiest holiest Good Friday to you! May you create the milestones of success for yourself!

It has been over so many years that we been working together. You are an essential part of my life. May you always be well and healthy! Wishing awesome Good Friday to you and your family!
You always say laugh-burst jokes. You are full of positive vibes. May your life always be filled with holiness by Christ! May you never get defeated! Happy Good Friday friend!
You are like my brother. You are my cubicle partner. I have shared years of office lunch with you. I wish God give your comfort and peace! Blessed Good Friday to you!
Happiest Good Friday to my favorite colleague and boss-savior of mine! I am incomplete without you in the business. I am lucky that you are in my life. You are awesome. May God guide you always!
Also see: Good Friday Friday Pictures
Religious Good Friday Messages & Blessings
May the holy festival of Good Friday exterminate all the darkness and malice from your heart. May your life be packed with the utmost positivity and godliness. Have a super joyous good Friday!

Good Friday is an exemplary festival to remember all the sacrifices of the Lord and thank him for showering unconditional love despite all the sins committed. Mourn for the pain god experienced because of us and enjoy the blissful occasion of Good Friday with your family!
There is no power greater than the mercy of the almighty. There is nothing holier than bowing down and putting your head in front of God’s feet. May Lord keep you and your family in great condition and shower ample wealth. Happy Good Friday and God Bless you!
May the holy occasion of Good Friday ignite and grow the love for Jesus in your heart so much that you see his image everywhere, even in the tiniest atom. Sending my best wishes and prayers on Good Friday!
Days like Good Friday occurs rarely. Let’s come together, join hands, and pray to Jesus to keep our beautiful bonds intact till the end. May his mercy and holiness illuminate our lives with knowledge and consciousness. Happy Good Friday!
When is Good Friday?
In 2021, Good Friday is coming on Friday, 2nd of April. In 2024, Good Friday is coming on Friday, 15th of April. In 2024, Good Friday is coming on Friday, 7th of April. In 2024, Good Friday is coming on Friday, 29th of March. In 2025, Good Friday is coming on Friday, 18th of April .In 2026, Good Friday is coming on Friday, 3rd of April.
It is a short calendar for you where we have mentioned for you when Good Friday is coming on what date in which year. It is for next five years, so you can plan according to that. And whenever Good Friday comes, you never forget to share and say Good Friday wishes that we have especially written for you.
What is the meaning of Good Friday and why it is observed?
Although perhaps all the Christians know about it that why it is called Good Friday and what is Good in that and what is the meaning of it but perhaps many don’t know the meaning of it and what exact it means. And please don’t mind if someone knows better! We are going to tell you what is the meaning of it. Good Friday is the day in the commemoration of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. So what is Good in that? It is a day or a season in which religious observance is held by the whole community. The “Good” thing is puzzling you? It is Good Friday because it is the season observed as holy by the church, and other reason is that on this day Jesus Christ expressed his great love for man or humankind and purchased for him all the blessings.
Hence you know that’s why it is called Good Friday because Jesus Christ purchased all the blessings and happiness for you. Though on the other hand, the term’s origin is still not cleared. Some say it is God’s Friday, while other people say it is taken from German known as Gute Freitag. Many say many different things but you have to remember it is a holy observance and fasting in the memory of Christ. So do it with total heart, utmost respect and commitment and never forget to say one another our originally written Good Friday messages and blessings.
So this is all about Good Friday and we remember it that why this day is observed and why it is called Good Friday that we have told you above. Rare the people on this earth have walked who sacrificed themselves for humanity. It is the day when Jesus got crucified bearing the sins of others on himself. On this holy day we have for you Good Friday wishes, happy good friday blessings and good friday 2024 messages that you can say and send to your loved ones and say to yourselves also or to whomever you want to say. Thanks Happy Good Friday and Easter!